Pocket Underwriter
There are three key challenges faced by brokers who wish to advise their clients on specialist insurance products such as D&O, Professional Indemnity, Broadform Liability and Cyber:
The Pocket Underwriter is SHA's digital solution that solves all of these problems. Brokers with access to the system can:
1. view claims videos and read short, plain language explanations of over 50 specialist covers and extensions, online, in their own time 24/7.
2. earn up to 12 CPD Hours a year (accredited by AC Develop in association with the FPI).
3. generate their own specialist quotes and issue policies within minutes (the record as at 1 Nov 2019 is under 7 minutes). Without complex forms!
4. explore how liability risk management can improve exposures in over 20 different industries.
5. keep a record of advice on specialist business
Read about the specialist SME products that are available exclusively through the portal here.